
Common Defects in FDM 3D Printing You Must Know

It is esstential to understand the common defects in fdm 3d printing so that you can avoid them an get good prints. Here is the list of 14 most common defects with their causes and solutions. Most of these defects are easy to handle or completely avoid.

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14 Most Common Defects in FDM 3D Printing:

1. Warping

Warping occurs when the edges or corners of a 3d print curl upwards, causing the print to detach from the build platform. This defect is more common with larger prints and can ruin the entire project.

Warping distorts the base of the print, leading to inaccuracies in dimensions and a poor surface finish. In severe cases, it can cause the print to fail entirely.

Read complete article on warping to learn how you can permanently get rid of it –> Warping in 3d printing

warping defect



2. Layer Shifting

Layer shifting occurs when one or more layers of the print become misaligned, leading to a skewed or distorted model. This defect can ruin the aesthetics and functionality of the print.

Layer shifting results in a defective print with misaligned layers, making the model unusable, especially for functional parts where precision is critical.

Read complete article on layer shifting to learn how you can permanently get rid of it –> Layer shifting in 3d printing



3. Stringing

Stringing refers to thin strands of filament that are left between different parts of the print, resembling spider webs. This defect is common when the print head moves across gaps in the model without retracting the filament properly.

Stringing can affect the appearance of the print, making it look messy. It may also require additional post-processing to remove the strings.

Read the complete article on stringing to learn how you can permanently get rid of it –> Stringing in 3d printing



4. Under Extrusion

Under extrusion occurs when the 3D printer does not extrude enough filament, resulting in gaps, missing layers, or weak prints.

This defect can severely affect the structural integrity of the model. Under extrusion leads to weak prints with gaps or missing layers, which compromises the strength and appearance of the model. In severe cases, the print may fail entirely.

Read the complete article on under extrusion to learn how you can permanently get rid of it –> Under extrusion in 3d printing



5. Over-Extrusion

Over-extrusion occurs when too much filament is extruded, causing excess material to ooze out and leading to blobs, zits, or an uneven surface. This defect can affect the dimensions and surface quality of the print.

Impact: Over-extrusion leads to an uneven surface finish, with visible blobs or excess material. It can also cause dimensional inaccuracies and may require additional post-processing to correct.

Read the complete article on over extrusion to learn how you can permanently get rid of it –> Over extrusion in 3d printing



6. Layer Delamination

Layer delamination occurs when the layers of a 3D print separate or peel away from each other, compromising the structural integrity of the model. This defect is particularly problematic for functional parts that require strength.

Layer delamination weakens the print and can cause it to break or fail during use. The separated layers also result in a rough and unattractive surface finish.

Read the complete article on layer delamination to learn how you can permanently get rid of it –> Layer delamination in 3d printing



7. Blobs and Zits

Blobs and zits are small bumps or dots that appear on the surface of a 3D print, usually at the start or end of a layer. These defects can affect the smoothness and appearance of the print.

Blobs and zits affect the surface finish of the print, making it look uneven and rough. They may require additional post-processing to smooth out the surface.

Read the complete article on blobs and zits to learn how you can permanently get rid of it –> Blobs and zits in 3d printing



8. Elephant’s Foot

Elephant’s Foot refers to a defect where the first few layers of a print are slightly wider than the rest, creating a “foot” at the base of the model. This can affect the dimensions and fit of the print, especially for parts that need to interlock or fit together.

Elephant’s Foot can distort the bottom dimensions of the print, affecting its fit and function. It may also require sanding or trimming to correct.

Read the complete article on elephant’s Foot to learn how you can permanently get rid of it —-> Elephant’s Foot in 3d printing



9. Poor Surface Finish

Poor surface finish is characterized by visible lines, rough surfaces, or an uneven texture on the printed model. This defect can affect the aesthetics and usability of the print.

A poor surface finish can make the print look unattractive and may require additional post-processing to achieve a smooth surface. It can also affect the function of parts that need to fit together tightly.

Read the complete article on poor surface finish to learn how you can permanently get rid of it —-> Poor surface finish in 3d printing



10. Clogged Nozzle

A clogged nozzle occurs when the nozzle becomes blocked, preventing filament from being extruded. This can lead to under-extrusion, or the print may stop altogether.

A clogged nozzle can cause print failures, under-extrusion, or incomplete prints. It may also require the printer to be stopped and the nozzle cleaned or replaced.

Read the complete article on clogged nozzle to learn how you can permanently get rid of it —-> Clogged nozzle finish in 3d printing



11. Gaps in Walls or Top Layers

Gaps in walls or top layers refer to visible holes or spaces in the print, typically due to insufficient material being deposited. This defect weakens the print and affects its appearance.

Gaps in walls or top layers compromise the strength and durability of the print, making it prone to breaking or failing under stress. They also create an unattractive appearance.

Read the complete article on gaps in walls or top layers to learn how you can permanently get rid of it –> Gaps in Walls or Top Layers in 3d printing



12. Inconsistent Extrusion

Inconsistent extrusion occurs when the flow of filament is uneven, leading to weak spots, rough surfaces, or gaps in the print. This defect can result in a structurally unsound print.

Inconsistent extrusion results in weak or fragile prints with visible imperfections, making the model less reliable and less visually appealing.



13. Pillowing

Pillowing is a defect that appears as a bumpy or uneven surface on the top layers of a print, often accompanied by small holes or gaps. This is particularly noticeable on large, flat surfaces.

Pillowing affects the smoothness and appearance of the top surface of the print, making it look rough and unpolished. It may also weaken the top layers, affecting the print’s structural integrity.

Read the complete article on pillowing to learn how you can permanently get rid of it –> Pillowing in 3d printing



14. Bridging Issues

Bridging refers to the ability of the printer to print a horizontal span (bridge) between two points without support underneath. Bridging issues occur when the filament sags or droops during this process.

Bridging issues result in sagging or drooping filament, which can ruin the appearance and functionality of the print. It may also create weak spots in the model.

Read the complete article on bridging Issues to learn how you can permanently get rid of it –> Bridging Issues in 3d printing



These explanations should provide a comprehensive understanding of the common defects in FDM 3D printing, along with actionable steps to prevent them and achieve better print quality.

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Defects in FDM 3D Printing

Common Defects in 3D Printing Warping in 3d printingLayer shifting in 3d printing
Stringing in 3d printingUnder extrusion in 3d printingOver extrusion in 3d printing
Layer delamination in 3d printingBlobs and zits in 3d printingElephant’s Foot in 3d printing
Poor surface finish in 3d printingClogged nozzle finish in 3d printingGaps in Walls or Top Layers in 3d printing
Pillowing in 3d printing

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