Bridging Issues in 3D Printing | FDM 3D Printing

Bridging Issues in 3D Printing

Bridging is a term used in 3d printing to describe the process of printing material over open spaces between two points without any support underneath. Think of it like building a small bridge across a gap. While this technique is often necessary in 3d printing. Sometimes printing bridges can be tricky land can have poblems … Read more

Dubai Tests the World’s First 3D Printed Electric Abra

3D Printed Electric Abra

Dubai has begun trials of the world’s first 3d printed electric Abra. The Roads and Transport Authority (RTA) of Dubai introduced this groundbreaking boat, which is now being tested in real-world conditions. This new Abra is designed to be eco-friendly and cost-effective, supporting Dubai’s plan to make public transportation more sustainable. Physical Features of 3D … Read more

Pillowing in 3D Printing

Pillowing is a common problem in 3D printing that affects the top surface of a printed object. It occurs when the top layers of a print appear bumpy or have small holes, resembling a pillow-like texture. This issue can negatively impact the appearance and quality of your 3D prints. Understanding the causes of pillowing and … Read more

Poor Surface Finish in 3D Printing

Poor Surface Finish in 3D Printing

While FDM 3D printing is great for many applications, one common problem that many users face is poor surface finish. 3D printing is an amazing technology that allows us to create objects layer by layer from digital designs. Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM) is one of the most widely used types of 3D printing. FDM printers … Read more

Blobs and Zits in 3D Printing

Blobs and Zits in FDM 3D Printing

If you are into 3D printing, especially using FDM (Fused Deposition Modeling) printers, you might have encountered issues like blobs and zits on your prints. These imperfections can ruin the quality of your 3D models, making them look unprofessional. In this blog post, we will explain what blobs and zits are, why they happen, and … Read more

Layer Delamination in 3D Printing

layer delamination in 3d printing

3D printing with FDM technology is a great way to create objects layer by layer. However, sometimes these layers do not stick together properly, leading to a problem known as “layer delamination.” This issue can make your 3D prints weak and cause them to break easily. In this blog post, we will discuss what layer … Read more